Welcome to the OneZoom tree of life explorer...

An interactive map of the evolutionary links between all living things known to science. Discover your favourites, see which species are under threat, and be amazed by the diversity of life on earth.

Our tree of life explorer is designed to be easily accessible for everyone. We also provide educational tools for teachers, software for scientists and interactive exhibits for museums. This is a free community resource with no advertising.

What is the tree of life?

The tree of life shows how all life on earth is related. Each leaf represents a different species. The branches show how these many species evolved from common ancestors over billions of years. In our interactive tree of life you can explore the relationships between 732,697 species and wonder at 68 images on a single zoomable page.

  • 732,697 species
  • 68 images

Popular places to start exploring...

Biodiversity and Conservation...

We want to help everyone appreciate biodiversity and the need to conserve it.
Red leaves on our tree of life show species known to be under threat of extinction.
Green leaves are either okay for now but might be nearly threatened.
Most leaves are grey meaning that it's not known how threatened they are.

Norfolk island araucaria

What they say...

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OneZoom is a registered non-profit in the UK, all our products are available for free.

Only one name per leaf so get your favourite while you can, for yourself or as a gift.

    What we've been up to...

    • 1 January 2020

      This is a mock-up website running from a Docker image, so no news items have been listed. Please visit the main OneZoom website to see what we've been up to recently.